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  • Massalimova, Aliya; Momynkulov, Zhanat (Мемлекеттік басқару және мемлекеттік қызмет, 2023-01-04)
    This article is written to demonstrate how the philosopher Al-Farabi conceptually imagined the key features of an ideal governor of his time. His understanding of the concepts of leader, power, state linked to creating a ...
  • Niyazbayeva, А.Т.; Yessengeldina, A.S. (Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2019-02)
    In modern conditions, categorical variables in the tourism industry management, their interrelation between state intervention and self-regulation, as well as the relationship between policy actors and steering modes ...
  • Niyazbayeva, А.Т.; Yessengeldina, A.S. (Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2016-03)
    At the present moment, formation of clusters in the tourism industry in order to improve the competitiveness of relevant administrative and territorial units has become the most pressing task for Kazakhstan. Formation and ...
  • Sadvokassova, A.K.; Rakischewa, B.; Yesimowa, K.; Maschitowa, A. (ZENTRALASIEN-ANALYSEN, 2020-140)
    Der Beitrag behandelt einige wesentliche Aspekte der gegenwärtigen Situation der ethnischen Gemeinschaft der Dunganen, ihre Migrationsgeschichte in das Gebiet des heutigen Kasachstan und den Grad ihrer Integration in die ...
  • Yessengeldina, A.S.; Sitenko, D.; Seitalinova, A. (Public Policy and Administration, 2014-02)
    The paper considers the content and significance of the social infrastructure in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors reveal the role of the Government in the formation and development of social infrastructure. The ...
  • Кantureev, M.T.; Yessengeldina, A.S.; Kosdauletova, R.Ye.; Seitalinova, A. (Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2017-02)
    This article takes into considerationmany features of the state regulation of agriculture with the help of the state programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The role of agro-industrial complex in the domestic and ...
  • Yessengeldina, A.S.; Kosdauletova, R.Ye.; Yardyakova, I.V. (Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2017-01)
    This article focuses on the mechanism of state regulation of innovative sector. The authors noted that despite the increase in the number of innovative enterprises, the level of innovative performance is still very low ...
  • Кабылдин, А. (Академия государственного управления при Президенте Республики Казахстан, 2023-06-30)
    Данная статья направлена на раскрытие роли IT-технологии в противодействии коррупции, что является одной из основных задач национальной безопасности государства. Раскрыты факторы успеха и риски неудачи электронных правительств ...
  • Aldiyarova, A. (Мемлекеттік басқару және мемлекеттік қызмет, 2021)
    Two arbitral cases were initiated against Kazakhstan on the basis of the 1989 Agreement between theGovernment of Canada and the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for the ...
  • Musaio, A.; Revetria, R.; Zharov, Ye.K. (Recent Advances in Economics, Management and Marketing, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE '14), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Management, Marketing and Finances (MMF '14), 2014)
    One of the main problems for development of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) is inefficient use of machine and tractor fleet. Now a significant amount of the agricultural enterprises owing to shortage of ...
  • Yessengeldina, A.S.; Sitenko, D. (Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2016-04)
    The article considers the topical issues of realization of innovative projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The attention is focused on the provision at the enterprise of integrated activities for all types of ...
  • Patlasov, O.Yu.; Zharov, Ye.K. (International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2017)
    Objective: The research of the main prerequisites and conditions for the transition of countries to the phase of creative development, taking into account the ecological component. Methods: economic and statistical analysis, ...
  • Davletbayeva, Zh.Zh.; Rysbekova, Zh.K.; Zharov, Ye.K. (Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университетi ХАБАРШЫ «Әлеуметтік және саяси ғылымдар» сериясы, 2017-3)
    To study the basic prerequisites of the impact of the corruption on socio-economic indicators. Methods: economicstatistical analysis, extrapolation method, structural and monographic analysis, expert evaluation method. ...
  • Medeuov, Zh.K. (The Challenges of Education in Central Asia, 2004)
    The subject of this article is the analysis of the conflicting rhetorical issues in solving problems of education quality in Kazakhstan’s higher education system. An attem pt is first made in this paper to analyze the ...
  • Yessengeldina, A.S.; Sitenko, D. (Вестник Карагандинского университета, 2016-02)
    The article deals with the various aspects of the development of research universities in the innovative development of the state. The main tasks are identified that are carried out in the Republic of Kazakhstan for ...
  • Yessengeldin, B.; Sitenko, D.; Murzatayeva, G.; Yessengeldina, A.S. (International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 2016-06)
    The article describes the development of market mechanisms of high-tech sector of innovation system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The structure of domestic expenditure on research and development of different countries ...
  • Suleimenova, G.; Sadvokassova, A.K.; Rakisheva, B.; Nurmaganbetov, A. (BUSINESS: THEORY AND PRACTICE, 2018-19)
    The article presents a study of the corruption perception and the involvement of SMEs in corruption practices. The main goal of the paper is to provide an analysis of corruption perception of the SMEs representatives, its ...
  • RAKHIMZHANOV, B.; MEDEUOV, Zh. (Мемлекеттік басқару және мемлекеттік қызмет, 2020-04)
    Many of the traditional ideas that the state, thanks to space satellites, has an “all-seeing eye” to monitorfield activities remain relevant to this day. However, along with this, remote sensing of the earth has ...
  • Patlasov, O.Yu.; Zharov, Ye.K. (The EUrASEANs:journal on global socio-economic dynamics, 2018-6)
    The work presents the review of the theoretical and methodological aspects of creative economy formation and development, in all the variations and peculiarities of its functioning. It is highlighted that the ...
  • Tasmaganbetov, Aslan; Ataniyazov, Zhumabay; Basshieva, Zhangul; Muhammedov, Abu; Yessengeldina, Anar (International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020)
    The article evaluates the biogas as the alternative energy source useful for contributing to the future. Biogas has been found to offer one of the best alternatives due to its economic significance as well as the improved ...