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Center for Anti-Corruption Research and Compliance: Recent submissions

  • Patlasov, O.Yu.; Zharov, Ye.K. (The EUrASEANs:journal on global socio-economic dynamics, 2018-6)
    The work presents the review of the theoretical and methodological aspects of creative economy formation and development, in all the variations and peculiarities of its functioning. It is highlighted that the ...
  • Musaio, A.; Revetria, R.; Zharov, Ye.K. (Recent Advances in Economics, Management and Marketing, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE '14), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Management, Marketing and Finances (MMF '14), 2014)
    One of the main problems for development of agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) is inefficient use of machine and tractor fleet. Now a significant amount of the agricultural enterprises owing to shortage of ...
  • Patlasov, O.Yu.; Zharov, Ye.K. (International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 2017)
    Objective: The research of the main prerequisites and conditions for the transition of countries to the phase of creative development, taking into account the ecological component. Methods: economic and statistical analysis, ...