Features and Principal Stages of Entry of the Eastern European Countries into the NATO

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dc.contributor.author Sheryazdanova, K.G.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-05-13T05:33:56Z
dc.date.available 2020-05-13T05:33:56Z
dc.date.issued 2013-17
dc.identifier.issn 1990-9233
dc.identifier.uri http://repository.apa.kz/xmlui/handle/123456789/110
dc.description.abstract Eastern European countries gave the following block of strategically important objectives in favor of membership in NATO: strengthening of internal situation in the country; strengthening and enlargement of NATO by new approaches based on the existing geopolitical situation; strengthening and acceleration of democratic processes of regional reconstruction and establishment of new European order. All abovementioned objectives constituted the core of new geopolitics in Eastern European region. Benefits from the enlargement at the expense of Eastern European countries were obtained by NATO and it was dictated by geopolitical reality. Slovenia, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary cover very unstable Balkans. Thus, they serve as a shield against possible distribution of instability of this region to Europe and NATO. Inversely, they suggest the comfortable bridge in the region to prevent conflicts, regulation of conflicts and elimination of conflicts in this region. At the same time, Romania and Slovakia jointly with NATO members as Hungary and Poland fulfill the same functions of bridge/shield in relation to more instable Moldavia, Ukraine and Belorussia. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research en_US
dc.subject Eastern Europe en_US
dc.subject Integration process en_US
dc.subject European integration en_US
dc.subject Political-economic reforms en_US
dc.subject Joining NATO en_US
dc.title Features and Principal Stages of Entry of the Eastern European Countries into the NATO en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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